
We are so excited about our integration with CorrectionalNurse.Net and The Correctional Nurse Educator!


Nursing Behind the Wall

Inspiring Professional Correctional Nursing Practice™

“Correctional nursing is the delivery of evidence-based nursing to protect, promote, and optimize health and abilities; prevent illness and injury; facilitate healing; alleviate suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response with care and respect; and advocate for individuals, families, groups, communities, and populations under the jurisdiction of the justice system~ Correctional Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2020

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Professional Correctional Nursing Practice

Nursing and the provision of healthcare in jails and prisons is often a combination of ingenuity, flexibility, persistence and skill. This website is for all who work in correctional healthcare. You are to be applauded for your hard work and dedication to patients who are often from vulnerable and underserved populations.

We initially developed this site so that correctional healthcare professionals would have a place to go to for resources specific to their practice. As time passed, it was clear that we also needed to offer continuing education specifically for Correctional Nurses, and so we began The Correctional Nurse Educator. The enthusiasm for our classes has been overwhelming, and we now offer over fifty classes on our site to groups as well as individuals. We update and add new classes just about every month. At the same time, our friends at CorrectionalNurse.Net saw a need to provide a platform for correctional nurses to communicate with others who understand the special nature of Nursing Behind the Wall. We are now so happy to share that CorrectionalNurse.Net has now become part of The Correctional Nurse Educator and Nursing Behind the Wall family.

With this new integration, CorrectionalNurse.Net will continue to have biweekly posts to include both a monthly clinical component and a monthly correctional nursing professional practice component. At the same time, Nursing Behind the Wall will post a case study about the clinical topic that is intended to reinforce correctional nursing assessment and clinical decision-making. This will be posted for the month. Finally, The Correctional Nurse Educator will offer a class (or classes) that also support the monthly clinical topic at a substantial discount. That offer will also be available throughout the month.

We are really excited to offer this integration of services for Correctional Nursing. Please feel free to contact us with your thoughts.

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