Mr. Santiago is a 32-year-old man who was working in the kitchen when a bungy cord snapped as he was trying to secure some boxes with it and he felt it strike his left eye. The kitchen supervisor sent him to the medical clinic for evaluation because he complained that there was something still in his eye. Prior to leaving the kitchen, they…
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Ms. Decker: Worsening Abdominal Pain
subjective Ms. Decker is a 22-year-old woman who was incarcerated in the county jail last week. Yesterday she submitted a Health Service Request form complaining of abdominal pain for the past week and a half. She is called to Nurse Sick Call this morning and describes the pain as sharp in nature, located in the suprapubic region, rated 8/10, and constant; but…
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Ms. Walker: Asthma
Ms. Walker is a 32 year old female recently admitted to the prison from a county jail, where she was incarcerated for nine months during her trial. The transfer summary sheet that accompanied Ms. Walker included a history of atopic dermatitis of her hands, asthma, seasonal allergies and smoking (15 pack years). The summary did not document her last asthma…
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Ms. Martinez: Abdominal Pain
Ms. Martinez is a 26 year old Hispanic female who arrived at the county jail a week ago. The Intake Screening was conducted within 2 hours of her arrival. At that time, she disclosed a history of Gastro-Esophageal Reflux. She denied substance use, except for an occasional alcoholic drink (tequila). She reported that she has had no surgeries or other chronic illnesses. Her…
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Ms. Profitt: Health Education for Hypertension
This is an educational curriculum for the patient with Hypertension. It may be given in one encounter, but would be better with multiple sessions so that patient comprehension can be monitored, and topics can be reinforced. The content in this post is based upon The Correctional Nurse Educator class entitled Chronic Care Patient Education: Hypertension in Corrections. Today Ms. Profitt,…
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